We have sent a legal letter to the UK Government calling on them to immediately enforce the Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing Regulations 2015 for decapod crustaceans, along with specific guidance, which outlines legally compliant higher welfare killing methods for decapod crustaceans, and alert the industry that it will be doing this.
We are also calling on the government to remove any misleading statements. For example, when these animals were recognised as sentient by the government, it claimed that industry practices would not be affected. We do not agree with this position - not only does the law require the change, the recognition of their sentience should demand it.
Now, you can help us ensure the government makes these important changes by signing our petition.
Your support is crucial in achieving our goals. Take action now to urge the UK Government to prioritise animal welfare and protect decapod crustaceans.
You can also engage with your local Member of Parliament, urging them to require the government to make these important changes. You can download the letter to the right that you can either post or email to your local MP.
Take action by sending your MP the following letter:
Contact the UK Government over Twitter by clicking the button below:
Each year, more than 420 million crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and langoustines are caught in the UK - and many of these sensitive animals are painfully boiled alive while fully conscious.
Decapod crustaceans, often overlooked in discussions about animal welfare, deserve our empathy and protection. As a society that values compassion and the ethical treatment of animals, we cannot turn a blind eye to their prolific suffering. By signing this petition, you're adding your voice to the call for change, urging the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), a department in the government, to implement explicit guidelines for legally compliant killing methods for decapod crustaceans.
Let's replace pain with welfare and ensure that no sentient being has to endure prolonged and unnecessary suffering. Sign the petition now!

Millions of animals suffer every day due to the improper enforcement of welfare laws. With your help, we aim to ease this suffering by enforcing these laws that exist for their protection.